It is getting so lovely in New York City in this summer having nice little breeze in the evening. Living in New York City as a northern land, we are thankful to the summer and embrace this pasting summer as other summers that we had.
I have a little annoucemnt that I am now doing Tarot reading too.
I never had interests in “fortune telling” at all in the past though I got clients who got different backgrounds. Some of them are into numbers, astrology, or any kinds of reading too.
On the other hands, I have doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers, engineers as my clients too. I am thankful to the environment that I can learn a lot from them too.
Not to mention that, I have my clients with cancer or any other sickness, got involved with some homicide cases or any kinds of survivors in their lives. I have many opportunities to know how strong we are to survive in this world.
My book, “Rules for success—How to live happily” is going to be published so soon so you can read some of the stories that I wrote.
Anyway, with the regards, I got to know that I have “grand-cross” in my birth chart in astrology that is rare and dramatic. In numerology, I got some kinds of master numbers in my charts too.
I came to conclusion that any types of reading or charts are based on birthday so they are in a way, similar to tell us what they have to say.
Some of them told me how rare and powerful my charts were and I have my life with a lot of dramas anyway so it is.
In my life, I have 2 marriages and 4 children including 2 adopted ones. I am from a very small town in Japan though I ended up with New York City now some how and run my business.
Not only that, I lost my own sister and adopted her children as teenagers and almost same time, I had my own twins.
I came up from 8 years of unemployment to book publishing in 2017 in Japan, I appeared on radio in New York City a dozen times around then too. Now my book is in final stage to publish in the US and I am now looking forward to publishing my book in the US too.
I can’t write everything about my life though everyday is for me learning process and opportunities. I feel like nothing stays same and always changes in any circumstances so there is no time to stand or stop.
Probably in the circumstance, I came to think of how to live happily in depth.
Anyway I didn’t believe in any fortune telling in the past though I have been given opportunites to know them in depth from people who are specialists of those and especially some of them are real psychics too.
I now again am so thankful to this opportunity to receive any comments on my life or my professionalism too. Thank you!!
In conclusion, I say that it is matter so much for us when or where under what kinds of sky or astrological circumstances we were born. It is real for us to be able to receive some messages for our sake to make things better.
Personally speaking, I believe some kind of connections with some people in my life, for example, my exes.
I had this man who I believed some connections with him in the past though in reality, we stopped seeing each other years ago.
I handled the loss well though I started having this strange feelings that I would run into him in the near future one day years ago.
Years ago in a December that I remember because of the reasons I will tell you. This is one of those psychic awareness occurred to me in my real life.
I knew some how that I would run into him very soon at a particular place that I got to know. The feelings became real to me when the day was getting closer and also I had a very clear reason to go to the place where I was supposed to go too.
Yes, it was one of those the end of year so I had to go to this particular Japanese supermarket in downtown in NYC. Yes, it was the place that I felt that I would run into him.
I felt nervous some how then and went to the supermarket picked up stuff that I needed to pick up. I finished everything so I left there with a relief because I didn’t run into him.
I got out to the street and some how changed direction that I was going to, so I turned around and with a few steps, I saw him coming up on the stairs from the undergrounds.
Yes, I ran into him as I “felt” in advance. Bingo, I didn’t say though it was so strange as things came through in the way.
I can’t explain how I knew that I would run into him weeks advance and also at where.
I had a dramatic life before then though around then, my psychic ability started to show off a lot more than before.
It became more obvious for me to be able to see visuals and background stories around people including my clients. I once talked to my own physician about it too.
I have been with her, my physician for 15 years and she is a wonderful woman probably older than me. However she is a scientist so I didn’t know what to expect when I talked to her. She was wonderful anyway.
First of all, I got a visual of the childhood of my clients and stories around them in sessions. Sometimes in their hypnosis and sometimes even without hypnosis.
When I have strong images and stories, I get permission to share it with my clients. Then they confirm that those are images and memories of theirs in their childhood.
Around same time, I started feeling much more vividly with the text messages that I got from my clients or realized that I was having exact same images with my clients when they were in their hypnosis.
I was confused because I wasn’t even spiritual at all in the past. Why are there same images and stories in the 2 different brains at the same time without talking or actual verbal sharing.
Images are vivid and unique so it is not coincidence at all.
That was reasons why I decided to talk to my physician. She asked me if there was inconvenience with the matter of my psychic ability. I was glad that she wasn’t sending me to a real psychiatrists….
It was all good, I said. Then she told me that it would be all good then.
Yes, she was right but I was confused then. However I realized that there is no going back or canceling this ability either.
I came to awareness that this didn’t just happen out of the blue. I should be able to do this from the beginning, I say.
However I was not supposed to be able to do it in my standard so I believe that I couldn’t do it or I wasn’t supposed to be able to do it.
When we have strong believes that we can’t do it, then we can’t do it.
When the images and stories come to me again and again in the past, I automatically and naturally denied, rejected and suppressed all those in a second, I believe.
This ability is called potential. It is a hidden ability though we surely have it in us, it is called potential.
I wish I knew that it was ok for me to be different from others with the kind of ability or I could recognize and show the ability of mine. Then probably, my ability was shown much earlier in reality.
Anyway, it is called “divine timing” that whatever comes out in a right moment and I accept.
Right now at this moment, I believe connections with the universe and I have unique ability to use for good in this world.
Going back to Tarot reading, it was some opportunity for me to know Tarot and I believe that some people can receive messages without Tarot cards too and bless them.
I came to conclusion that we use whatever available for us to us to receive messages for us to use for our own good.
With cards, it is clear and can avoid misunderstanding better so we use cards. That is my understanding.
For me, it is mysterious for me to be able to see visions of my clients in sessions and I feel the same way in Tarot because in same way, I receive messages.
I don’t know how in the details though I receive messages from the universe and use them for people’s own good. It sounds like my job and life mission anyway.
In reality, I started reading Tarot on my clients’ request too and so far, they are very happy with my readings.
I have Youtube channel too if you are interested. I talk about mind set in everyday life there too.
I can do readings in English and Japanese upon the request.
I am doing Instagram too. Here.
Have a wonderful day!
